考虑到保利? 我们很高兴见到你!
纽约市. It’s one of the arts capitals of the world, 保利预科 makes the most of it.
我们的 合作伙伴关系 with artists and institutions infuse our 程序s with creative energy and inspire our students, 老师, 以及整个保利社区. 与专业艺术家合作, 作曲家, 舞者, 电影制作人, 艺术的学者, 音乐家, storytellers of all kinds are an integral part of the student life at our school.
We give our students opportunities to experience the creative process in action through artist visits, 表演, 实践学习, 合作, 还有更多.
我们与组织的伙伴关系,比如 STREB极端行动, 科拉舞, 保罗泰勒舞蹈团, 哈莱姆舞蹈剧院, 10毛腿—an all-male 跳舞 company—have been a huge part of getting our students to expand their view of what 跳舞 and movement can be.
通过我们与专业舞者的合作, students gain confidence in their physical abilities, 是什么让他们在运动中占据优势, 跳舞, 剧院, much more… while enjoying every minute of these unique experiences. This melding of 跳舞 and athleticism allows them to connect with each other and forges a lasting appreciation for the performing arts.
From 表演 to class workshops to off-campus experiences, 聚的学生正在探索运动, as well as issues like offstage bullying and gender stereotyping, all done through our unique and creative 合作伙伴关系.
By working with artists and art professionals through our 艺术的伙伴关系 程序, students confront creative ideas and real-world issues through the lens of adults that are in contact with art, 历史和当代, 在日常生活中. Through field trips, visits to cultural institutions like the 博彩网站排名博物馆, 大都会艺术博物馆, 现代艺术博物馆,和 惠特尼, 学生们有机会见到策展人, 博物馆教育工作者, 修复, artists that are on the cutting edge of critical thinking about visual culture.
我们的 special 合作伙伴关系 with the 博彩网站排名博物馆 and the 大都会艺术博物馆 anchor 聚’s curricular 程序ming around curatorial and museum studies.
聚’s artist-in-residence 程序 is a unique experience for our students where they can collaborate and engage with a local contemporary artist on a long-term project. Talks, installations, 表演 complement our arts and academic curriculum.
我们的第一位驻校艺术家,校友 吉尔·西格曼,85年 创建了一个名为"客厅” out of recycled materials with help from our students. 它很快就变成了上课的地方, 演讲者事件, community gatherings to explore topics like sustainability, 移民, 和保利的历史. 我们的下一位驻地艺术家, 莎拉·E. 小溪, 博彩网站排名的雕塑家, surveyed students and staff to ascertain which were the most meaningful spaces and structures to our 聚 community. She returned in 2020 to resume her work of creating an installation on 聚’s Dyker Heights grounds, 校园建筑中有哪些镜子形状, 利用自然光来重新构想这些结构.
“One of our goals is to bring world-class artists to a school with a world-class arts 程序. 帮助学生尝试新的艺术形式是很有成就感的, 但此外, give them the opportunity to see art through the eyes of its creator. 它开启了一个全新的视角.”——迈克尔·罗宾逊
In 2024, 聚’s 音乐 Department continued their partnership with 曼尼斯音乐学院 在两个独特的表演机会. 各种各样的音乐家 from Mannes’ ‘音乐 in the 社区’ course performed pieces, 回答问题, shared their experience and expertise with the Advanced Band, 管弦乐队, 及合唱团. 课程,由 Dr. 优雅的公园, explores how 音乐家 and arts organizations collaborate with various community sectors to foster community development. The 表演 ranged from classical to electronic music while the discussions challenged students on topics like how to grow as a musician and how to navigate the professional music scene.
In 2023, students collaborated with renowned street and graffiti artist 李醌类 to create an original mural which now stands near 聚’s 招生 office.
“我想在他的指导下创作壁画 丹Herwitt and 李醌类 really taught me the importance of collaboration and cohesion,” said 乔丹·米勒,24岁, “especially when working on such a large scale project. There were so many of us in the class involved with creating the mural, 我们每个人都创建了一个单独的小组. I hope that the theme of Brooklyn really comes across to viewers,” Millar added. “We incorporated a lot of symbols and imagery that we felt represented Brooklyn, so I hope that some of those will resonate with the audience. I also hope they are able to appreciate the details within each of the panels!”
Movie screenings and discussions with 作家, actors, 电影制作人 are part of the 聚 experience. 在这张照片中,制片人 罗伯特·科特64年 returned to campus in 2019 to meet with our community about his film 论性别的基础,博彩网站排名露丝·巴德·金斯伯格. He brought with him former New York Solicitor General Barbara Underwood P’04 (a 聚 parent) to discuss everything from movie making to the history of women working in law.
自2019年该项目启动以来, 无数虚拟电影放映 已经发生了, each followed by lively and informative conversations among a panel of alumni who are actors, 生产商, 董事, 作家, 和保利学生.
和很多社区一样, 剧院 serves to bring 聚 family and friends together to share in the joy of storytelling and creative expression. 作为我们合作项目的一部分, 聚 invites playwrights to create original plays with our students, 那么谁来表演呢. 我们展示了分阶段阅读, sometimes including professional actors from among 聚’s alumni and families, 还有学生和老师, 接着是启发性和信息性的Q&一个会话. Master classes in playwriting are also part of our vision for teaching drama, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的.
照片中是剧作家 Eric Ulloa 与保利合作演出他的戏剧 26鹅卵石, which is based on interviews with members of the Newtown, CT community affected by the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting.